Hamid Sajadi



Assistant Professor

Department of Social Studies

Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies (IHCS)

Email: h.sajadi@ihcs.ac.ir





Ph.D. in Political Sociology, University of Tehran, Iran, September 2010-January 2015

MA in Political Science, Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran, 2007-2009

BA in Political Science, Azad University, Esfahan, Iran, 2003-2006

 Main Areas of Research

  • Securitization
  • Societal Security
  • Religious Trends
  • Development and Civil Society Participation

Research Papers  

Sajadi, H. (2021). A Critical Review of Systems Theory and Paradigm Shift in Sociology. Critical Studies in Texts & Programs of Human Sciences. Accepted for Publication.

Sajadi, H. (2021). A Critical Study of the Islamic- oriented Societal Security Concept. Transcendent Policy. Accepted for Publication.

Sajadi, H. (2020). Qualitative Assessment of the Management Model of Welfare Organization in Social Harms Reduction through a Paradigmatic Model. The State Studies Quarterly 5(21), 59-98.

Sajadi, H. (2020). A Critical Review of Globalization and Cultural Diversity. Critical Studies in Texts & Programs of Human Sciences 20(7), 109-132.

Sajadi, H. (2020). Identifying and Analyzing the Resilience Components of Iranian Society in The Face of COVID-19 Outbreak Crisis. Soft Power Studies 9(2), 91-117.

Sajadi, H. (2020). Assessing the Strategies of the Iranian Crisis Management System in Response to the Covid-19 Threats. Research Letter of Political Science 15(4), 189-215.

Sajadi, H. (2019). A Critical Review of the Theoretical Framing of Societal Security in Iran. Critical Studies in Texts & Programs of Human Sciences 18(7), 193-215.

Sajadi, H. & Mottaghi, E. (2018). Meta-analysis of the Performance of Iran Higher Education System with a Focus on National Development Plans. Iranian Social Development Studies 10(3), 7-25.

Sajadi, H. & Soleimani, G. (2018). Examining Fiqh Aspects of the People’s Role in the Government. Critical Studies in Texts & Programs of Human Sciences 18(6), 169-189.

Sajadi, H. (2017). A Meta-Synthesis of Weak Points and Facilitators of Iran’s National Development Plans.  The State Studies Quarterly 3(10), 65-108.

Sajadi, H., Sadeghizadeh, S. & Taghizadeh, M. (2017). Poverty Alleviation through Empowerment with a Focus on Partnership: A Case Study of Iran. Asian Social Science 13(5), 57-67. (SCOPUS)

Sajadi, H. & Mottaghi, E. (2017). Modeling Dynamic Cohesion in the Development Process. Iranian Social Development Studies 9(2), 7-22.

Sajadi, H. & Mottaghi, E. (2015). The Challenges of Developmental States in Mobilizing Modern Forces. Journal of Iranian Social Development Studies 7(1), 7-20.

Sajadi, H. & Mottaghi, E. (2014). Examining the Possibility of Monitoring and Control of Iran Development Plans. Political Knowledge 10(2), 37-61.

Sajadi, H. et al. (2014). Conceptualization of the Religious Intellectualism Trends.  Islamic Politics Research 2(5), 133-154.

Sajadi, H. & Navabakhsh, M. (2011). A Survey of the Changes in Values and Identity on National Security. Journal of Iranian Social Development Studies 3(4), 7-21.

Sajadi, H. (2011). Exploring the Ideas of Michel Foucault in Archaeology and Genealogy. Social Sciences Monthly Review: Iranian Book Review and Information Journal, 15(37), 122-127.

Sajadi, H. & Mirahmadi, M. (2008). Theoretical Foundation of Departure from Tradition in the Course of Religious New Thinking in Iran. Political Knowledge 4(1), 181-213.

Research Projects


Research Title

Funding Organization


Analyzing the Evolution of Community Subjectivity in Security Studies

Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


Improving the Performance of the Ministry of Interior in Response to Protests

Center for Strategic Studies &Training of the Iranian Ministry Interior


Identifying and Analyzing the Securitization Causes of Social Crises; Case Study of Social Crises in Iran during 1988-2018

Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


A Meta-Analysis of Iranian Societal Security Studies

Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

2016- 2018

Main Currents of Thought in Quranic Studies in Contemporary Iran

University of Tehran

2016- 2018

Main Currents of  Political Fiqh Thought in Contemporary Iran

University of Tehran

2016- 2017

Identifying the intellectual-cultural currents in contemporary Iran

University of Tehran

2016- 2017

Identifying the religious intellectualism currents in contemporary Iran

University of Tehran


Analyzing the challenges of the political culture of Iran during the globalization era

Iran’s National Center for Globalization Studies


Analysis and evaluation of the performance of the State Welfare Organization of Iran

Secretariat of the Expediency Council


Analysis and evaluation of the performance of the Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation

Secretariat of the Expediency Council


Sajadi, H. (2016). Deconstruction of theories of political development from postmodernism approach, Tehran: Hekmat Kalameh.

Book Chapter

Sajadi, H. (2017). Plurality- Pluralism. In Alikhani, A., Islamic Political Hikmat: Foundational Concepts, Vol.8 (pp. 449-528). Iranian Institute of Philosophy: Tehran.

Sajadi, H. (2017). Common Law. In Alikhani, A. et al., Islamic Political Hikmat: Foundational Concepts, Vol.7 (pp. 517-586). Iranian Institute of Philosophy: Tehran.

Sajadi, H. (2020). The Efficiency of Political System in Managing the Imbalances of Social System in the Development Process. In Poursaeid, F., Efficiency of Political System (pp. 435-456). Research Institute of Strategic Studies: Tehran.

Chapter Translation

Sajadi, H. (2016). “Islam, Political Development and Globalization”. In Dehshiri, M. (Ed.). Islam and Globalization (pp. 156-179). Scientific and Cultural Publications: Tehran.

Book Review

Sajadi, H. (2019). [a Review of The Confluence of Political Fiqh And Political Philosophy, by S. S. Haghighat]. The Iranian Council for Reviewing Book and Texts on Human Sciences.

Sajadi, H. (2019). [a Review of Education and the making of modern Iran, by D. Menashri]. The Iranian Council for Reviewing Book and Texts on Human Sciences.

Sajadi, H. (2019). [a Review of Development Theory, by J. N. Pieterse]. The Iranian Council for Reviewing Book and Texts on Human Sciences.

Sajadi, H. (2018). [a Review of Knowledge and Power in Iran (Islamic Era), by Sh. Ahmadvand]. The Iranian Council for Reviewing Book and Texts on Human Sciences.

Sajadi, H. (2018). [a Review of Iranian Political Life, by A. M. Mashhood]. The Iranian Council for Reviewing Book and Texts on Human Sciences.

Sajadi, H. (2014). [a Review of The Developments of the Left Movement in Iran and the Causes of its Permanent Crisis, by H. Masali] Criticism of Historiography.

Sajadi, H. (2011). The Opinions and Ideas of Liberalism [a Review of Hayek: His Contribution to the Political and Economic Thought of Our Time by E. Butler] Social Sciences Monthly Review: Iranian Book Review and Information Journal, 14 (34), 95-99.

Conference Presentations


An Analysis of Economic Security in Iranian Development Model

Specialized Panel- IHCS


Revisiting Islamic-Iranian Development Model

Specialized Panel- IHCS


Re-reading the Ideas and Principles of Democracy in a Religious Climate

3rd National Conference on Theorizing Religious Democracy

2014 -Iran

Deconstructing the Meta-narratives of Development

3rd Conference on Islamic-Iranian Model of Progress

2014 –Switzerland (Virtual)

Media in the Face of Terrorism

International Conference on Counter-Terrorism and Human Security



Convergence and Divergence of Social Forces in the Egyptian Revolution

12th Annual International Conference on Politics & International Affairs

Other Publications

Sajadi, H. (2015). Re-reading the Ideas and Principles of Democracy in a Religious Context. Proceedings of the 3rd National Conference on Theorizing Religious Democracy, Tehran, 354-369. Tehran.

Sajadi, H. (2014). Deconstructing the Meta-narratives of Development. Proceedings of the 3rd conference on Islamic-Iranian Model of Progress, Tehran, 1-23.

Sajadi, H. (2014). The Ignored Share of Victims of Terrorism from Human Rights, Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Sciences, Colombo, 263-270. 

Awards and Recognitions

  • Selected Research Project of the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in Social Sciences, 2020
  • Selected Ph.D. Dissertation at the National Congress of Pioneers of Progress, Iran, 2015
  • Second place in National Ph.D. Entrance Exam in the Political Sociology, 2010

Courses Taught

  • Political Jurisprudence
  • Political Sociology of Iran
  • Development Theories
  • Political Theories


Journal Peer Reviewer

  • State Studies Quarterly, Allameh Tabataba'i University
  • Sociological Cultural Studies
  • Critical Studies in Texts & Programs of Human Sciences

Academic Appointments

  • Director of the Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development
  • Member of the Working Group on Iranian Fundamental Issues, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies
  • Member of the Supervisory Board of the Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies
  • Senior Researcher, Secretariat of the Expediency Council, Iran       
  • Member of the Iranian World Studies Association, University of Tehran, Iran
  • Academic Member of the Athens Institute for Education and Research, Greece
  • Research and Students Deputy, University of Applied Science and Technology, Branch 6, Tehran
  • Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute for the Middle East Strategic Studies, Tehran, Iran
  • Visiting Professor at University of Applied Science and Technology and University of Esfahan, University of Tehran

Last Update At : 19 January 2021