Library of the Center for Asian Cultural Documents


This library contains some documents and a number of rare print copies about the culture, customs and traditions of Asian nations. Currently it is being redesigned, reorganized and expanded, and will soon be available to researchers and scholars of humanities.

How to Use the Libraries

All available sources in the libraries of the Institute (except for  the Library of Asian Cultural Documentation Center) are searchable via Internet. All scholars can use the libraries of the Institute, but only the faculty members, students and experts of research institute can borrow the books.

Working Hours

The Central Library: Saturday to Wednesday, from 8 to 19, Thursday 8 to 13;

Minovi and Daneshpajooh Libraries: Saturday to Wednesday, 8 to 14;

Library of Imam Ali Research Center: Saturday to Wednesday, 8 to 15.

Last Update At : 25 April 2023