Office for Theorization, Criticism and Innovation Chairs



Office for Theorization, Criticism and Innovation Chairs started its activities in autumn 2015, following  a coordination with  the Secretariat for Supporting Chairs and receiving related by-laws. In December 2015 a meeting was held to brief faculty members with the missions of this office. In that session  the chairman of the Secretariat for Supporting Theorization, Criticism and Innovation Chairs and the Vice Chancellor of  the Research and Graduate Studies of the Institute attended.

The authorizations for the  members of the Council of the Office were issued by the rector of the Institute. Then the faculty members were asked to submit their proposals on theory, criticism and innovation in different branches of humanities to the Office.


  • Creating a formal and legitimate opportunity for proposing theories and methodical criticisms in scientific and technical areas;
  • Assisting in solving problems and expanding frontiers of knowledge in humanities and Islamic sciences;
  • Supporting, encouraging and honoring scientific elite in humanities and Islamic sciences;
  • Recognizing capacities and identifying unknown scientific talents and innovations and new theories in various fields of Islamic sciences and humanities;
  • Increasing scientific enthusiasm among researchers, professors and the Institute's faculty members.


  • Holding promotional chairs from 2015 to2016;
  • Identifying the requirements for literary criticism;
  •  Promotional chairs for the presentation and criticism of scientific ideas;
  • Holding chairs for criticizing scientific ideas on the following subjects: “The Responsible State”,
  •  "The Right to Livelihood, the Substantive Principle of Islamic Economics";
  •  "Naeeni's Methodology as a Pattern for Production of Thought in the Iranian society";
  •  "Belief in Divine Charisma and the Shadow of God in the History of Iran";
  •  "A study of Social Problems in Documents and Regulations from First to Fifth Programs”;
  •  “Pyramid of Love: A Review of Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love";
  • "Proposing the Theory of Bio-Emotional semantics".
Last Update At : 04 February 2018