



Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies (IHCS), Dr. Sadegh Ayinevand Street (64th West), Kordestan Highway, Tehran, Iran, Postal Code: 1437774681

Telephone Number: +982188053218; Email: d.mehrabi@ihcs.ac.ir / davood.mehrabi@yahoo.com

Scopus Author ID: 35119098300




Research Interests

Health Communication; Health Journalism; Social Media and Health; Provider-Patient Communication


Academic qualification

Dates:  2010-2015          

Ph.D. in Mass Communication

University Putra Malaysia

Thesis Title: Communication Correlates of HIV Related Self-Stigma among Individuals at Higher Risk of HIV Exposure in Malaysia


Dates:  2007-2010

Master of Science in Organizational Communication

University Putra Malaysia

Thesis Title: Factors Influencing Perceived Media Credibility by Professional Administrative Staff of University Putra Malaysia


Date:    2001-2005

Bachelor of Science in Commercial Management

Chabahar Maritime University, Iran


Date: 01/01/2018 - Current

Faculty Member

Department of Cultural Studies & Communication

Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies (www.ihcs.ac.ir)


Conduct research in health communication area and publish findings in professional journals, books, or electronic media.

Write articles, books or other original materials in health communication.

Write grant proposals to procure external research funding.

Evaluate and grade students' class work, assignments, and papers.

Evaluate student work.

Supervise undergraduate or graduate teaching, internship, and research work.

Provide professional consulting services to government or industry.


Date:   March 2020 - December 2022

Head of Department of Popularizing Research Findings

Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


Scientists try to find out what is going on in order to eradicate mystery. Yet, non-scientists believe that there are mysterious about science. One reason, perhaps, is that very little of what scientists do and know reach to the public and relevant organizations. Hence, telling research story to the public and relevant organizations really matters. Nowadays, new communication technologies make mass media available to almost all the people. This creates unique opportunities to 1) identifying research needs of communities, industry, and government, and 2) promoting the use of research findings by government, industry and communities. To this end, a combination of education, experience and innovative approaches are necessary.  Department of popularizing research findings at the institute for humanities and cultural studies (IHCS) aims to implement effective research communications strategies and products such as policy research reports, news releases, videos, speeches, workshops, and stories to convey research findings to non-scientists and policy makers. This benefits both the general public and scientists.


Date:   2009 – 2018



Interviewing with experts and analysts on international, regional and national subjects (mainly health issues), news writing, developing media relations strategy, coordinating all public relations activities, managing media inquiries and interviewing requests.



Completed Projects

Examining the legal principles of regulating the relationships electronic health system activists. 2024

The Communication Extension of Health Belief Model to Determine Influential Predictors of Colorectal Cancer Screening. 2023   

Social Media Usage Pattern and Emerging High-Risk Behaviors among High School Students in Tehran. 2021

Cultural-Communication Variables Affecting the Predictability of Corona Preventive Behaviors among    Iranian Society based on PEN-3 and Health Belief Model. 2019


Mehrabi, D., Mirmajidi, S., Mohammadi, S., & Masoudi Asl, I. (Under Review). Legal and Communication Challenges of the Electronic Health System with Emphasis on Service Recipients: Principles and Solutions. Payesh. (Scopus)

Mirmajidi, S., Mehrabi, D., & Masoudi Asl, I. (2024). Identifying the Legal Principles Governing the Regulation of the Electronic Health System's Stakeholders Communication in Iran; With Emphasis on Service Providers. Iranian Journal of Health Insurance, 6(4), 266-279. [In Persian]

Mehrabi, D. (2023). Social Media Usage Pattern and Committing High-Risk Behaviors among Young Adults Ages 18 to 25 Years. Interdisciplinary Studies in Media and Culture. Vol 13(2), 279-307. https://doi.org/10.30465/ismc.2023.45355.2738. [In Persian]

Mehrabi, D., & Mirmajidi, S. (2024). The predictability of high-risk and criminal behaviors of the offenders of Tehran Correctional Center; emphasizing the role of social media. Sociological Cultural Studies. [In Persian]

Mehrabi, D. (2023). Identifying factors affecting Performing Preventive Behaviors against COVID-19: Application of Health Belief Model and PEN-3. Society Culture Media, 12(48), 247-268. https://www.jscm.ir/article_182876.html?lang=en. [In Persian]

Mehrabi, D. (2022). Identifying and Evaluating Sources of Colorectal Cancer Information among Referrals to Gastroenterologists. Journal of Health Administration, 25(1), 47-56. [In Persian]. (Scopus)

Mehrabi, D. (2022). Application of Health Belief Model to Identify Predictors of Colorectal Cancer Screening Intention. Koomesh; 24(1), 69-77. [In Persian]. (Scopus)

Mehrabi, D., & Rezazadeh, M. (2021). Comparative Study of the Content of Health-related Programs of “NOSKHEH’’ from IRIB TV1 and “37 Degrees’’ from BBC Persian. Health Journal Research; 6(4), 287-296. Doi: 10.52547/hrjbaq.6.4.287. [In Persian]  

Mehrabi, D., Tamam, E., Hasan, H., & Bolong, J. (2021). Social Predictors of HIV-testing Among Malaysian Individuals at Higher Risk of HIV Infection. International Journal of Science, Technology and Society, 9(2), 55-61. doi: 10.11648/j.ijsts.20211002.13

Mehrabi, D., Tamam, E., Mortazavi Ganji Ketab, S. (2020). Correlates of HIV-related self-stigma among female sex workers in Malaysia. Journal of Research and Health, 10 (4): 249-256. doi: 10.32598/JRH.10.4.1716.1. (Scopus)

Mehrabi, D. (2019). Family status in media literacy research in Iran: A systematic review. Global Media Journal-Persian Edition, 14(1), 112-128. doi: 10.22059/gmj.2019.73580. [In Persian].

Mortazavi Ganji Ketab, S., Pahlevan Sharif, S., Mehrabi, D., & Binti Abdul Rahman, N. A. (2019). Effects of ethnocentrism and online interethnic interactions on interethnic bridging social capital among University students: The moderating role of ethnicity. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 71, 48-59. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2019.04.004. (Scopus)

Mehrabi, D., Tamam, E., Bolong, J., Hasan. H., (2016). A Rapid Review of the Literature on HIV-related Stigmatization and Discrimination Studies in Malaysia. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (JSSH). Vol 24 (2). pp. 701-720. (Scopus)

Mehrabi, D., Musa Abu Hassan & Shahkat Ali, M.S. (2013) "Components of News Media Credibility among Professional Administrative Staff in Malaysia”. China Media Research. Vol. 9 (1), pp 34-40.

Mehrabi, D., Musa Abu Hassan & Shahkat Ali, M.S. (2011). Perception of University Non-Academic Professional Staff towards New Media Credibility in Malaysia. China Media Research. Vol. 7 (3), pp 80-91. 

Mehrabi, D., Shahkat Ali, M.S., & Musa Abu Hassan. (2010). Research Attention to the Credibility of Information Sources. Media Ethics magazine Vol 21 Issue 2. URL: http://www.mediaethicsmagazine.com/index.php/browse-back-issues/132-spring-2010/3919639-research-attention-to-the-credibility-of-information-sources

Mehrabi, D., Musa Abu Hassan & Shahkat Ali, M, S. (2009). News Media Credibility of the Internet and Television, European Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 11 Issue 1, pp. 136-148. URL: http://psasir.upm.edu.my/5622/1/European_Journal_of_Scientific_Research_11.1.151.pdf


Mehrabi, D., Tamam, E., Bolong, J., Hasan. H., (2015). Determinants of Willingness to Test for HIV among Female Sex Workers in Malaysia. Poster presented at the 2nd International Congress on HIV/AIDS; Women & Children. 16 -18 Dec 2015. Shiraz, IRAN.

Mehrabi, D., Tamam, E., Bolong, J., Hasan. H., (2014). Finding Association between Age and HIV-related Self-stigma Among Individuals at Higher Risk of HIV Exposure in Malaysia. This paper presented at the first international and the fifth national congress of HIV/AIDS 2014 held on 11-13 November 2014 at Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

Mehrabi, D., Tamam, E., Bolong, J., Hasan. H., (2014). Mediation Effect of Attitude Towards both HIV and People Living with HIV on the Relationship between HIV Knowledge and HIV-related Self-stigma. Poster presentation at third national AIDS conference 2014 held on 11th & 12th October 2014 at MS Garden Hotel, Kuantan Pahang, Malaysia

Mehrabi, D & Tamam, E. (2014). HIV-related Stigmatization and Discrimination Studies in Malaysia: a Systematic Review of the Literature. This paper presented at the 10th Biennial convention of the Pacific and Asian Communication Association, Bandung, Indonesia. June 24-26, 2014

Mehrabi, D & Shahkat Ali, M. S. (2012). Mass Media and Public Perception towards Immigrants: the case of Middle East migration to Malaysia. This paper presented at Malaysia International Conference on Languages, literatures, and culture (Micolac 2012) 10-11 July 2012 at the Pullman Hotel, Putrajaya, Malaysia

Mehrabi, D & Shahkat Ali, M. S. (2012). The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Cross-Cultural Adaptation among Iranian Students in Malaysia. This paper presented at the Regional Conference on Cross Cultural Communication and National Integration (RECCNI 2012) 19-21 June 2012 Palace of the Golden Horses Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Mehrabi, D. (2012). New Information Technologies and Islamization of Knowledge: What we have done? This paper presented at the 1st Seminar on Islamization of Knowledge: Is Islamization of Knowledge an Agenda for Muslims, 6th January 2012, ARCC, KL, Malaysia

Mehrabi, D. (2011). The Role of Social Networks to Enhance the Effectiveness of Advertising among Student. This paper presented at International Conference on Media and Communication (Mention2011) 11– 12 October 2011at Hotel Equatorial Bangi-Putrajaya, Malaysia

Mehrabi, D., Shahkat Ali, M.S., & Musa Abu Hassan. (2010). Media Credibility: Internet vs. Newspaper. This article presented at 2nd International Conference on Communication and Media 2010 (i-COME '10, 18-20 June 2010, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia

Mehrabi, D., Shahkat Ali, M. S. (2010). Cyberspace and Ethic: Rules in Cyberspace. This article presented at 2nd International Conference on Communication and Media 2010 (i-COME '10, 18-20 June 2010, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia

Mehrabi, D., Musa Abu Hassan & Shahkat Ali, M.S. (2010). Media Reliance, Media Use and Perceived News Media Credibility. This paper presented at the Forth International Malaysia-Thailand Conference on Southeast Asia Studies 25-26 March 2010. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor. Malaysia.

Book chapters

Mehrabi, D., & Sadeghi, J. (2022). Identifying the main messages promoted by social scientists to dealing with Covid-19. In Ojagh, Z. (Ed.), Health Communication in the Time of Covid-19 Pandemic. Tehran, Iran.

Mehrabi, D., Musa Abu Hassan & Shahkat Ali, M, S. (2011). Perceived Credibility of the Internet and Television News Program by Professional Administrative Staff at University Putra Malaysia. In Ghanbari, A. (Ed), Issues and Challenges of New ICT for Development: Information and Communication Technology (pp. 141-161). Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.


Teaching experiences           

Qualitative and quantitative research methods

Health Communication

Social Media Management 

Online course

Qualitative Research Methodology – Thematic Analysis Method. [In Persian]. https://faradars.org/courses/qualitative-and-mixed-methods-research-methodology-with-a-focus-on-content-analysis-fvhu302

Using Endnote for Reference management. [In Persian]. https://maktabkhooneh.org/course/AA-mk3314/?v=1%3Faffiliate%3Dmehrabi


Master of Science (with thesis) as supervisor        

Student / Year: Mohammad Rezazadeh / 2019

Thesis Title: A comparative study of the content management of health-cantered programs: "Noskheh" from IRIB TV1 and "37 degrees" from the BBC Persian TV


Master of Science (with thesis) as advisor

Student / Year: Hadi Abdolvahab / 2018

Thesis Title: Representation of Information and Communication Technologies in the content of TV Show Series Focusing on "Black Intelligence 1 and 2"

Professional bodies  

Pacific & Asian Communication Association (PACA)

Iranian Association of Cultural Studies and Communications

Workshop and training course (trainer)

EndNote: Managing Your References - 08/05/2024

Thematic analysis: a theoretical and practical workshop - 12/05/2024

Research Methodology in Social Sciences - 12/07/2023

Systematic review paper – 22/06/2021

How to write to be seen? Principle of SEO Content - 1/03/2021

News Writing and Writing for Social Media - 25/04/2018

Health Journalism Workshop - 19/12/2017

Making News: Reporting and Writing - 06/02/2016

Workshop and training course (trainee)

Digital Marketing Course. (2021). Completed a 50 hours specialized course in digital marketing: including content production, keyword research, social networks, etc. Tehran, Iran

HIV Behavioral Surveillance (HBS).  At the First International and the Fifth National Congress of HIV/AIDS 2014 held on 11-13 November 2014 at Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

Advanced Methods for Estimating Population Sizes in High-Risk Groups. At the First International and the Fifth National Congress of HIV/AIDS 2014 held on 11-13 November 2014 at Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

Workshop on Structural Equation Modelling Using AMOS, School of Graduate Studies, University Putra Malaysia, 12th & 13th March 2012

Structural Equation Modelling Using (SEM) Workshop, Department of Communication, University Putra Malaysia, 26th, 27, & 28th June 2012  

Jumpstarting Scholarly Writing & Publishing in ISI-WoS & Citation Indexed Journals. 24th November 2011

Research Methods for Community Studies, Social and Health Science Seminar, School of graduate studies, University Putra Malaysia, 19thJuly 2011

Scientific Writing and Publishing in Journal Seminar, School of Graduate Studies, University Putra Malaysia, 18th February 2011

Insight in Post Graduate Research Seminar, School of Graduate Studies, University Putra Malaysia, 22nd February 2011

Exploring Statistics Using SPSS Workshop, School of Graduate Studies, University Putra Malaysia, 2nd & 3rd December 2010

Structural Equation Modelling – AMOS Software Workshop, School of Graduate Studies, University Putra Malaysia, 9nd & 10th December 2010


The Best Student Paper Award. 10th Biennial Convention of the Pacific and Asian Communication Association, Bandung, Indonesia. June 24-26, 2014

Guest speaker           

Physician-patient relationship, faculty of social sciences, University of Tehran, October 12, 2024.

Digital natives and today’s environmental issues, institute for humanities and cultural studies, July 9, 2024.

Children in the digital age, reference library of the institute for the intellectual development of children and young adults, May 19, 2024.

Artificial intelligence and social communication of children and adolescents, institute for humanities and cultural studies, May 12, 2024.

Social media and the health of children and adolescents, institute for humanities and cultural studies, October 22, 2023.

Analysis of the role of cyberspace on socio-political activities of Iranian youth, institute for humanities and cultural studies, May 23, 2023.

Media, society, and mental health, presented at the media tolerance and social peace conference, institute for humanities and cultural studies, May 21, 2023.

Challenges of health journalism, institute for humanities and cultural studies, November 17, 2019.

Media encounter with the issue of aids in Iran, institute for humanities and cultural studies October 23, 2019.

Communication components affecting social stigma among high-risk populations facing HIV, October 2, 2018.

Conducting research, identifying research problem and choosing research design. Department of communication, faculty of modern languages and communication, University Putra Malaysia, March 25, 2016.  


Executive Manager. Seminar on Heath Communication. Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor, University Putra Malaysia, May 23, 2017.

Moderator. Intellectual Discourse held at Faculty of Human Ecology, University Putra Malaysia, in Collaboration with Scientific Counsellor of I.R. of Iran Embassy in Malaysia, on 28th October 2016.

Chair of Parallel Session. 10th Biennial Convention of the Pacific and Asian Communication Association, Bandung, Indonesia. June 24-26, 2014


Volunteer Supervisor, IAS 2013 7th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, 30 June – 3 July 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

PT Foundation, World Aids Day 2012, Red Carnival Event Hosted by PT Foundation, 5th January 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Last Update At : 09 November 2024