Hossein Safi Pirlooje


دکتر حسین صافی پیرلوجه  Hossein Safi Pirlooje

Full Name


Hossein Safi Pirlooje

Date of birth






Scientific Position


assistant professor



Theoretical Linguistics

Work phone








  • BA, English-Persian Translation, Allame Tabatabaei University
  • MA, Linguistics, Islamic Azad University
  • PhD, Linguistics, Tehran University

Written Books

  • Cognitive Study on the Literary Fiction: A Linguistic Approach. Tehran: Siahroud Publication (2015)
  • A Diachronic Narrative Study on the Rhetorics of Persian Folktales and Literary Fictions. Tehran: Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies Press (2015)
  • Critical Analysis of Narrative Discourse: An Introduction. Tehran: Nashreney (2016)
  • A Cognitive Approach to the Grammatical Voice in Guilaki Dialect. coauthored with Fayyazi, M. S. Rasht: FarhangeIllia (2018)

Translated Books

  • Philosophy for Linguists: An Introduction, translation, Gaameno, 2005/07/23
  • Some Insights to the Storyworld, translation, Rokhdadeno, 2010/07/23
  • Basic Elements of Narrative, translation, Nashreney, 2014/07/23

Papers in Scientific Journals

  • Safi Pirlooje, H. and Maryam Sadat Fayyazi, Alieh Korde Zaferanloo Kamuzia (2011). Some Cognitive insights into Perspectivization in Persian Narratives, The International Journal of Humanities. Vol. 18, 37-50
  • Safi Pirlooje, H. and Maryam Sadat Fayyazi (2008).The History of Narrative Theories, an Overview, Literary Criticism, 1, 145-170
  • Safi Pirlooje H. and Maryam Sadat Fayyazi (2011). Hypothetical Focalization and Intentional Semantics, Literary Criticism, 4, 51-78

•    Safi Pirlooje, H. (2009). Typology of Literary Fiction Based on the Verb Semantics, Literary Criticism, 1, 83-106

  • Safi Pirlooje, H. (2012). Second-Person Narratives in Persian, Journal of Language and Linguistics, 8, 1-25
  • Safi Pirlooje, H. (2012). Narrative Shift in Persian Folktales and Literary Fiction, Literary Criticism, 5, 77-102
  • Safi Pirlooje, H. (2013). Metalepsis in Persian Literary Fiction, Zabanshenakht (language studies), 4, 59-83
  • Safi Pirlooje, H. (2014). Structural Analysis of Narrative at the Story Level: A Case Study on Pagard, Literary Criticism, 7, 123-145
  • Safi Pirlooje, H. (2015). Literary Criticism: Text Analysis beyond Rhetorics, Literary Criticism, 8, 53-91
  • Safi Pirlooje, H. (2017). Criticism as a Political Act, Literature Quarterly Book Review, 2, 211-224
  • Safi Pirlooje, H. (2015). Adamhaye Avazi in a Panoramic Landscape, Literature Quarterly Book Review, 1, 127-132
  • Safi Pirlooje, H. (2016). Saussure's Double Standard Position about Grammatology, Literature Quarterly Book Review, 1, 295-302
  • Safi Pirlooje, H. (2016). Dialectic Style of Terry Eagleton's How to read Literature, Literature Quarterly Book Review, 2, 26-32
  • Safi Pirlooje, H. (2016). A Critique on Identity Construction: The Case of Young Women in Rasht, Journal of Language and Linguistics, 12, 159-173
  • Safi Pirlooje, H. and Hossein Rezaei Laksar (2017).Stylistics of the Tales of "Tafsire Sureye Yousof": A research based on Textual Metafunction, Zabanshenakht (language studies), 7, 43-63
  • Safi Pirlooje, H. and Zahra Hayati, Farnoush Mirzaei (2017). The Analysis of Narrative Time in Literary and Cinematic Discourses: A Case Study on Khack and Awsaneye Baba Sobhan, Biannual Journal of Narratology, 1, 51-84
  • Safi Pirlooje, H. (2017). Underlining AleAhmad's ‘Jalal’ity in Subject, Nihilism, and the political, Ketabehaftekhabar, 6, 119
  • Safi Pirlooje, H. (2018). Towards A Cognitive Morphology, Iranian Journal of Linguistics, 20, 93-106
  • Safi Pirlooje, H. (2007). A Word between Persistence and Giving up. Bokhara Cultural journal. No. 63.
  • Safi Pirlooje, H. (2007). Generative Grammar; a Return to the Launch Point. Bokhara Cultural journal. No. 63.

Presented Papers in National Seminars/Conferences

  • Safi Pirlooje Hossein, ‘Structural Analysis of Narrative at the Story Level.’ In the Conference of Literary-Fiction Criticism, conference, 2014/03/02
  • Safi Pirlooje Hossein, ‘Ontology and 1st Person Pronouns.’ professional meeting, 2015/10/13
  • Safi Pirlooje Hossein, ‘Structural Analysis of Narrative at the Level of Discourse.’ professional meeting, 2017/11/30
  • Safi Pirlooje Hossein, ‘The Role of Implied Reader in the Realm of Literary Criticism.’1stNationalConferenceon Reviewing Books and Texts of Human Sciences, Festival, 2017/12/21
  • Safi Pirlooje Hossein, ‘Language Planning and National Identity Construction in Iran.’ seminar, 2017/12/26
  • Safi Pirlooje Hossein, ‘Metaleptic Narrative Discourse, professional meeting.’ 2012/11/14
  • Safi Pirlooje Hossein, ‘Interrelations Between Science and Fiction.’ seminar, 2014/01/23
  • Safi Pirlooje Hossein, ‘Verb Structure in Tati, Taleshi and Gilaki.’ professional meeting, 2013/06/26
  • Safi Pirlooje Hossein, ‘Guilaki Folktales, professional meeting.’ 2013/09/18
  • Safi Pirlooje Hossein, ‘Cinematic Adaptation of Literary Fiction.’ professional meeting, 2013/12/07
  • Safi Pirlooje Hossein, ‘Literary Criticism from Analysis to Rhetorics.’ professional meeting, 2014/01/07
  • Safi Pirlooje Hossein, ‘Texts Typology and Cognitive Studies.’ professional meeting, 2011/06/21
  • Safi Pirlooje Hossein, ‘Cognition and Narration.’ professional meeting, 2015/12/28
  • Safi Pirlooje Hossein, ‘Baghe Bibarge Anaari.’ professional meeting, 2013/06/19

Research Project Implementation and Cooperation

  • A Contrastive Study on Narrative Markers in Persian Folktales and Modern Stories (2012).
  • An Introduction to Narrative Discourse Analysis (2015).
  • A Research on Conventions Prevalent in Reading Persian Literary Fictions (since 2015).
  • Gathering 400 dialect samples for the national project of "Compiling Dialect Atlas of Iran," under the supervision Cultural Heritage Organization of Iran (2006).
  • A Cognitive Approach to Grammatical Voice in Guilaki Dialect (2017).
  • Indirect Instruction for Teaching Semantic Frames to the Students of Sixth Grade of Elementary School for Boosting their Writing Ability" (since 2016).

Teaching Background

  • Undergraduate level: English Translation, English Literature, Farsi Literature, and Journalism in Islamic Azad University of Tehran (North, South, and Center branches), Islamic Azad University of Shahre Ghods, Islamic Azad University of Karaj, University of Applied Sciences and Technology and Association of Iranian Journalists. (2004-2012)
  • Graduate level: "Introduction to linguistics" and "Language Syntax Basics" courses to M.A. students of General Linguistics and Ancient Languages in Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies. (2012-present)
  • Graduate level: "Literature Semiotics" course to Ph.D. students of Linguistics in Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies. (2017)

National Awards

  • Winner of Jalal Prize for Literary Criticism (2018)
  • Winner of The Iranian Book of the Year for Literary Criticism (2018)
  • First prize of Students Book Annual Festival (2010)

Cooperation with Scientific Institutions

  • Cooperation with 19th and 28th festivals of Book of the Season Prize of I.R.Iran.2011-2014
  • Cooperation with 30thfestivalof Book of the Year Prize of I.R.Iran.2012
  • Cooperation with National organization for Educational Testing; University entrance exam design for M.A. of linguistics.2015
  • Cooperation with National organization for Educational Testing; University entrance exam design for Ph.D. of linguistics.2015
  • Cooperation with National organization for Educational Testing; University entrance exam design for Ph.D. of linguistics.2016
  • Membership in scientific committee for the national week of research, Institute for humanities and Cultural Studies. 2015
  • Membership in executive committee for the national week of research, Institute for humanities and Cultural Studies.2015
  • Membership in scientific board of 3rd Conference of Literary Criticism and reviewing 8 of the articles sent to this conference.2014
  • Membership in scientific board of1st National Conference of Teaching English Language, Literature and Translation.2011(Fall)
  • Membership in reviewers’ board of 7th National Conference of Iranian Society for the Promotion of Persian Language and Literature.2012 (Summer)
  • Membership in reviewers’ board of 8th National Conference of Iranian Society for the Promotion of Persian Language and Literature.2013(Summer)
  • Membership in reviewers’ board of 9th National Conference of Iranian Society for the Promotion of Persian Language and Literature.2014(Summer)
  • Membership in reviewers’ board of 9th Conference of Persian Language and Literature Studies.2016(Winter)
  • Membership in Iran Academy of Literary criticism. Since 2015
  • Deputy of graduates’ affairs in Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies. 2015
  • Membership in Supervision and Review Committee for Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies' Function.2017
  • Membership in scientific board of 1st Festival for Appraising Nominated Thesis in the Field of Production.2017
  • Director of theoretical linguistics faculty in Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies.2017

Membership in Reviewers Board of Research and Scientific Journals

  • Zabanshenakht (Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies),
  • Quarterly Journal of Persian language and Literature (Guilan University),
  • Literary Theory and Criticism (Guilan University),
  • Zabanpazhuhi (Alzahra University),
  • Language and Linguistics (Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies),
  • Kohannameh Adabe Farsi (Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies),
  • Research in Persian Language and Literature (Isfahan University),
  • Pazhuhesh Nameye Enteghadi (Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies),
  • Quranic Studies and Islamic Culture (Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies),
  • Women Studies (Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies),
  • Journal of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities (Tehran University),
  • University Textbooks; Research and Writing (SAMT),
  • Literary Criticism (Tarbiat Modarres University),
  • Journal of Narrative Studies (Tarbiat Modarres University),
  • Jostarhaye Zabani (Tarbiat Modarres University),
  • Folkloric Literature and Culture (Tarbiat Modarres University).

Thesis Supervision and Advisory

  • Supervisor Prof., "An Investigation into Plurality of Textual Interpretation: A Case Study Based on Roland Barthes’ Model of Text Analysis", M.A. Thesis. Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies.2014-09-08
  • Supervisor Prof., "Comparative Stylistics of Anecdotes of Tafsire sureye Yousof(Ahmad-ebne-Mohammad-e-Tousi) with Tales of Kashf-ol-Asrar (Meybodi): A Research Based on Textual Metafunction", M.A. Thesis. Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies. 2015 (Fall)
  • Supervisor Prof., "A Critical Analysis of Persian Contemporary Ghazal, Focusing on Some Poems of Reza Baraheni, Seyed Mehdi Mousavi and Fatemeh Ekhtesari", M.A. Thesis. Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies. 2017-09-20
  • Advisor Prof., "Critical Analysis of Discourse Markers of Farsi in Two narrative text: Tarikh-e-beihaghi and Hushang Golshiri's Stories", M.A. Thesis. Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies.2015-05-06          
  • Advisor Prof., "A Comparative Study on the Order of Story Events in Literary and Cinematic Narratives", M.A. Thesis. Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies.2017-03-12       
  • Advisor Prof., "Narration Structure in Sogdian Stories", M.A. Thesis. Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies.2013-09-30    
  • Advisor Prof., "Phonology and Conjugation of Verbs in Kilani Dialect", M.A. Thesis. Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies.2016-09-06        
  • Advisor Prof., "Semiotics of Title in Gibran Khalil Gibran’s Works", M.A. Thesis. Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies.2017-05-10  
  • Judge Prof., "Discourse Analysis of "Savaneh Aloshaaghva Abhar Alaasheghin"", M.A. Thesis. Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies.2014-03-09
  • Judge Prof., "Analysis of Avesta (Ashtudgah, Yasna 64) Based on Functional Systematic Grammar", M.A. Thesis. Shahid Beheshti University. IranologyFoundation.2015-10-14         
  • Judge Prof., "Point of View in Five Persian Short Stories", Ph.D. Thesis. Payame Noor University.2016-02-03           
  • Judge Prof., "Basic Elements of Narrative in Fictions of the 80th Decade (Solar Calendar)", Ph.D. Thesis. Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies.
  • Judge Prof., "Narrative Structure in Works of Nezami Ganjavi", Ph.D. Thesis. Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies.


  • Introduction to Narration Research, held in Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies (6 sessions from 2014-12-02 to 2015-01-06).
  • Structural Analysis of Fiction, heldin Jom’e Story Association, Qom.2017-08-04

Scientific Editor

  • Research Methods in Linguistics (2015). Translated by Fayyazi, M. S.
Last Update At : 23 February 2022