The 13th Standardized Test of Persian Language Skills (Samfa - Academic Samfa)

07 August 2024 | 10:56 Code : 25635 news Events

It informs the applicants that the registration for the 13th round of the Standardized Persian Language Skills Exam (SAMFA) will start on Sunday August 4, 2024 and end on Sunday August 11, 2024. It should be emphasized that the registration will be done exclusively online through the notices portal of the National Organization for Measuring and Evaluating the Education System of the country at:


Due to the fact that the payment of the registration fee is done online, the applicants need to pay the amount of 36,640,000 Rials by using the bank cards of Shatab network whose electronic payment is active, as registration fee, to receive credit card information (12-digit serial number).

Important reminder: Applicants to participate in exam areas abroad must obtain a credit card related to enrollment through the Persian language training center of exam areas abroad.

The standard assessment test of Persian language skills (Samfa - Academic Samfa) is exclusively at the academic level and includes listening, reading, writing and speaking sections, the skills of the applicants will be measured in these sections.

This exam will be held on Friday, (30 Shahrivar of the solar year 1403, equal to September 20, 2024 AD and 16 Rabi al-Awl, 1446 lunar year) at the same time as the domestic areas in the foreign exam area (Russia-Armenia-Kazakhstan-China- Tunisia and Iraq including the cities of Erbil, Basra, Najaf, Baghdad, Karbala and Sulaimaniyah) will be held. It is necessary to explain that this exam will be held electronically in the fields inside the country and in the field outside the country using the previous method (based on paper).

Determining the city (for applicants inside) or the country (for applicants abroad) to hold the exam depends on the number of applicants reaching the quota at the time of registration.

tags: Persian Language Skills Exam (SAMFA) SAMFA

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