International congress

New and Old Silk Roads: Discourse and Knowledge

08 November 2021 | 13:13 Code : 21492 news Events

International congress

New and Old Silk Roads: Discourse and Knowledge

November 18-19, 2021

Paul Valéry University - Montpellier 3

The Silk Roads (and the Corridor) constitute one of the most important communication and human development networks in the world. These roads have always participated in the connection of several spaces, regions, countries, continents and in the construction of old and new civilizations and societies. Stretching from the Far East, the Near East and the Middle East to Africa and Europe, especially the Mediterranean, these routes continue to provide considerable efforts to bring East and West closer together. East and West and even North and South with their multiple strategies of development and opening up to new horizons, cultures, empires (Chinese, Roman, Arab, Muslim, etc.) and spaces from Antiquity to nowadays. This rapprochement began with short and then long-distance trade with the circulation of materials, goods and valuable goods (porcelain, tea, spices, silk, etc.), while also leading to the circulation of ideas, knowledge and know-how in different fields (science, literature, architecture, town planning, economy, etc.).

This movement of goods and populations, with their diversities and variations, has also contributed to the transmission of languages, beliefs, religions, ideas and ideologies as well as to changes in the foundations of societies on the Silk Roads or those related to it, thus implying the influence of linguistic, communication, and socio-cultural practices, notably the practice of power in a totally evolving world. It is a world mainly stimulated by technological change and the conquest of new spaces and centers of wealth and influence without borders, a world that is more and more prone to interactions between the West (represented by the USA and its European, African and Arab allies) and the East where China takes central stage with its new alliances in Asia, in the Middle East and Africa.

Within this vast space with marked but no limited borders, several elements and factors come into play to build the memory and history of its populations, their practices, discourses, and ways of perceiving cultures and languages to express them. Languages as whole become a medium that builds, describes and translates inter-individual and collective relationships, facilitates their limitations in past and present time, and predicts their future. In other words, like time, language and culture, the Silk Roads bring the farthest closer and make possible what should or could remain impossible, thus contributing to the construction of the world of possibilities in which the less central becomes more central and opens on a broader and more varied context which participates in the decrease as much as in the increase of differences.

The first edition of the “Silk Roads” International Conference, which is a continuation of the “Languages, Cultures and Media in the Mediterranean” International Conference that opened to China in its previous edition, will hold on the research related to linguistic, discursive, cultural, historical and sociological characteristics, as well as Silk Road policies and geostrategies. With a special focus on trans-disciplinarity and multi-disciplinarity   priority will be given to proposals that approach the Silk Roads through the following research areas:

  • History of the Silk Roads and their management by ancient and new societies
  • Geopolitical issues related to the new Silk Road
  • Languages ​​and discourse: plurilingualism and language contact, circulation of words and concepts, lexicon and lexicography
  • Political and media discourse: practices, perceptions and representations
  • Texts, discourse, translation and terminology: interculturality, stereotyping and representations in society
  • Teaching-learning of languages-cultures, migration, translation
  • Modern and ancient literatures, translation and translation studies: the single and the multiple, borrowing and transfer,
  • NICT, application and assessment methods
  • Mainstream media, new media, geopolitics and societies: analytical skills and applications in the field
  • New media, innovation, intelligence and identity: security and sustainability
  • Digital and/ or language tools: design, evaluation methods, theoretical and strategic issues.
  • Traditions, heritage, communication and interculturality.

Congress Program for Iranian Lecturers at the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies:


18 November 2021


Shokooh Husseini

 دور إيران في العلاقات الصينية الأروبية - : بحث في کتاب «طريق الحرير» لعلي مظاهري

14.50- 15.10

Andya Nemati

Effects of minerals and mines on the Silk Road

15.10- 15.30

Maryam Kamyar, (Iranian Encyclopedia foundation), Maryam zarekhalili & Seyed Aboutorab Ahmadpanah, (Tarbiat Modares university)

 Ray textiles motifs, a medium to represent power along the Silk Road

15.30- 15.50

Golandam Sharifi

Saffron Trade and Cultivation in the Silk Road

19 November 2021

10.40- 11

Ahmad Shakeri

La cartographie des expériences littéraires : du cadre aux codes géographiques dans les romans de la route de la soie

14.30- 14.50

Azita Afrashi

 "Silk" in Persian Classical Poetry


Conférence Pr. Henry Laurens:


Séance 1:

Séance 2:

ID de réunion : 949 8967 4529

Code secret : 244046


Séance 3:


Séance 4:
Heure : 18 nov. 2021 14:30 Paris
Participer à la réunion Zoom
ID de réunion : 936 0947 7833
Code secret : 174657



ID de réunion : 943 0140 4307

Code secret : 436465


Séance 6:

ID de réunion : 929 8554 7617

Code secret : 630258


Conférence plénière Marie Laureillard - 19 novembre 2021

Heure : 19 nov. 2021 08:00 AM Paris

Participer à la réunion Zoom


Séance 7:

ID de réunion : 985 9310 8477


Séance  8 (KOTOB):

Heure : 19 nov. 2021 09:00 AM Paris

Participer à la réunion Zoom

ID de réunion : 998 6540 5263

Code secret : 682895



Séance9 (VOGA):

Heure : 19 nov. 2021 02:00 PM Paris

ID de réunion : 992 9635 5930

Code secret : 506276



Séance 10 : Route de la soie - définition, enjeux et représentations

Heure : 19 nov. 2021 02:00 PM Paris

Participer à la réunion Zoom

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Your Comment :

Abhay Singh 08 November 2021 | 20:12
Congratulations.... wish success to conference