Mazdaei Heritage in Shahnameh

18 May 2021 | 10:59 Code : 20880 Events

On the occasion of Ferdowsi Commemoration Day, the Language and Literature faculty in collaboration with Linguistics faculty of Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies will hold a meeting with 4 lectures entitled:

“Mazdaei Heritage in Shahnameh”

The Impact of Ferdowsi Shahnameh on the Heritage of Zoroastrian Tradition in Islamic age

Dr. Hamidreza Alvand

An Unfamiliar Aspect of the Mythical and Epic Characters of Iran

Dr. Farzaneh Goshtasb

Multiple Traditions of Sassanid Historiography in Shahnameh

Dr. Yaser Malekzadeh

Zoroastrian Burial in Shahnameh

Dr. Cyrus Nasrollahzadeh

Secretary of the meeting: Dr. Alireza Shabanloo

Time: Saturday, May 15, 2021, 14:00 to 16:00

Link to the meeting:

tags: Shahnameh

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