Report on the International Conference "Human, Economy and Society in Pandemic Conditions"

25 April 2021 | 20:53 Code : 20721 Events

On Friday, April 16, 2021, the Caucasus People's Research Institute held an international conference entitled "Human, Economy and Society in a Pandemic Conditions" in collaboration with the Eurasian Scientists Club, the Academy of International Education, the Ibn Sina Islamic Culture Research Foundation and the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies.

The Director of the Office of International Scientific Cooperation at the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Dr. Shokooh Sadat Hosseini, as a member of the Scientific Committee of the conference, was one of the speakers at the roundtable named "Spiritual Safety and New Social Measures: The Global Pandemic Experience", and presented her lecture as “The Human-Social aspects of Corona Pandemic." The other speakers of this roundtable and the titles of their lectures are as follows:

  • Rev. Eugene (Shishkin E.N.) - Secretary of the Scientific Council of the Stavropol theological Institute - "Spiritual Challenges of Epidemic Diseases".
  • Faskhotdenov Rinat Rifatovich - Deputy Mufti of Moscow, President of the Moscow Islamic College of Theology and Law (Moscow) "The Role of Spiritual and Moral Education in Outbreaks".
  • Hegoman Vitaly (Otkin) - Secretary of the Diocese of Ivanov, Scientific Secretary and Senior Lecturer of the Orthodox Religious Institute of St. Alexevsky Ivanov-Wuzensensk, “Russian Ecclesiastical Anxiety Theology of Epidemiology.
  • Dr. Abd al-Nabi Khalil al-Ashqar - Professor at the University of Montpellier (France) - "Corona virus between new media, Culture and Religion in the Arab world".
  • Bakanova Marina Vladimirovna - Chief Physician, Dia Hospital International Medical Center (Sheikhu Pura, Pakistan) “COVID-19 pandemic. Medicine vs. Religion”.
  • Ismail Kazbekovich Guchiaev - Head of the Alan Cultural Center - "Methods and Technologies for Organizing Youth Social Activities in a Multi-Ethnic Region in an Epidemic"
  • Archbishop Andrei (Plisyuk A.G.) - PhD in Sociology, Head of the Academic Department of the Stavropol Theological Institute, Defender of the Kazan Cathedral (Stavropol, Stavropol Territory) - "Orthodox Internet Resources mean organizing the church's missionary activity"
  • Lukashev Andrei Alexandrovich – PhD in Philosophy Sciences, Director of the Science in Foundation of the Ibn Sina Islamic Culture Research Foundation (Moscow) - "Activities of the Ibn Sina Foundation in the field of the epidemic Covid 19"
  • Izhaev Rasul Khalitovich - Deputy Mufti of the Stavropol Territory, Imam of Stavropol
  • Alfit Skhatovich Sharipov - Head of the Orenburg Regional Spiritual Office, Principal of the Khusainiya Orenburg School - "The Experience of the Orenburg Regional Muslim Spiritual Office in Maintaining Spiritual Security and Strengthening Interfaith Dialogue in an Epidemic"
  • Beta Kifakh Mohammadum (Abdullah-Haji) - Mufti of the Central Spiritual Administration of the Muslims of the Volgograd Region - "The formation of interfaith dialogue in a pandemic, the experience of the Central Spiritual Administration of the Muslims of the Volgograd Region"
  • Vaskrisinsky Oleg Vladislavovich - PhD in Pedagogy, Lecturer International Professor (St. Paul, Minnesota, USA) - "Experience of international missionary, spiritual and educational activities in quarantine"
  • Walif Almaz Absalovich - President of the Association for the Support of Spiritual and Moral Education of the "Flagship" Society (Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan) - "An Innovative Approach to the Social Design of Muslim Religious Organizations: The Experience of the Republic of Bashkortostan"
  • Walich Almaz Abzalovich - Vice President of the Association for the Support of Spiritual and Moral Education of the "Flagman" Society Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan - "Religious Education System in the Republic of Bashkortostan through Inclusive and Innovative Measures".

Dr. Hosseini first presented a report on the research activities of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies in the field of the human and social dimensions of the Corona Pandemic, including the international conference "Social and Human Dimensions of the Corona in Iran" and sub conferences before main conference and special meetings in the last year. She divided the research in this field into two broad categories: "Iranian Living Experience" and "Localization of Global Experience" and then, she presented her lecture entitled "Crisis Warfare", addressed one of the differences between the Iranian approach to this global crisis and explained that this approach to the pervasive disease that has endangered the lives of all the citizens of the world is a kind of use of psychological capacities to give hope to people who have gone great difficulties and can still overcome this problem. She pointed out that with the continuation of the crisis, the slogans of the officials and the popular ideas about this issue have gradually moved away from their metaphorical and allegorical aspects and have taken on a more real form.


tags: corona

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