Report of the second virtual meeting of the "Iran Beyond Borders" project (Introduction to Iranologists)

28 January 2021 | 18:41 Code : 20420 news Events

The Office of International Scientific Cooperation of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, in cooperation with the Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation and the Iranian Cultural Counselor in Lebanon, held the second virtual meeting of the "Iran Beyond Borders" project (Introduction to Iranologists) on Wednesday, January 14, 2021. The meeting was attended by Naeema Shokr (Lebanon), Mohammad Mehdi Shariatmadar (Iran), Mohammad Sarkuh (Kuwait), Habib Fayyaz (Lebanon), Abbas Khamehyar (Iran), Faras Al-Halbavi (Syria) and Gholam Ali Haddad Adel (Iran). Was held, dedicated to the wedding of the scientific personality of Dr. Dalal Abbas (Professor of Comparative Literature and Persian Literature - University of Lebanon).

Dr. Dalal Abbas, born in the village of Kowsaria al-Sayyad in the Jabal Amel region of southern Lebanon (1947), is a Lebanese Persian researcher and translator who spent her bachelor's and master's degrees at the University of Lebanon and received her doctorate from the University of Tehran. He has authored and translated more than 20 books in the fields of literature, philosophy, religion and politics. Among his works translated from Persian to Arabic are "Religion and hypocrisy in the language of cats and mice" (Sheikh Baha'i's book Mouse and Cat), "Woman in the Thought of Martyr Motahhari", "Receipt and Development of Sharia" by Dr. Abdolkarim Soroush mentioned poems by Nima Yoshij, Ahmad Shamloo, Mehdi Akhavan Sales, Khosrow Golsorkhi, Sohrab Sepehri and stories by Sadegh Hedayat and Mohammad Ali Jamalzadeh.

At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Shokouh Hosseini (Director of the International Scientific Cooperation Office of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies), while welcoming the guests and attendees, said: I am proud of Dr. Dalal Abbas, Professor of Comparative Literature and Persian Literature at the University of Lebanon for their presence. In this forum, I would like to thank and express my pleasure that we are honored to hold a small meeting in honor of his scientific and intellectual personality. I would like to point out that the Office of International Scientific Cooperation of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies has been working for some time on a project entitled "Iran, Beyond the Borders" to reflect Iranian symbols and personalities outside Iran and to introduce non-Iranian professors and researchers. Who work in the field of Iranian culture, literature and thought. We are proud that this meeting will be held in cooperation with the Cultural Counselor of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Beirut and the Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation. We will host one of the most famous professors and most influential Arab personalities who is rightly a link between Iranian and Arab culture and has been introducing the culture for years. Dr. Dalal Abbas came to Iran and he stayed in this land for a few years and was immersed in the boundless sea of ​​thought and literature of this land and tore a pearl from the shell of mysticism, Sufism, thought and literature and to the enthusiasts of this culture and introduced it to the Arab world. Considering the significant number of dear speakers, I would prefer to leave the introduction of the different dimensions of this character to the dignitaries who have accepted our invitation, and we will benefit from their speeches in this virtual forum.

At the end of the meeting, Dr. Shokouh Hosseini (Director of the International Scientific Cooperation Office of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies) after summarizing and thanking the participants, read the text of appreciation of Dr. Hossein Ali Ghobadi, Director of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies:

"Dear Professor, Dr. Dalal Abbas

After years of worthy and continuous efforts of the Supreme Leader for the connection between Persian and Arabic culture and language, we had a chance to elucidate your valuable works although in a small assembly, and talk about the precious treasure of Persian and Arabic literature along with you and your lovers.

A lifetime is needed to write and express the value of lives.

"We wish you and all the esteemed professors the health and pride, and  permanence and dynamism of Iranian and Arabic culture, the two powerful arms of Islamic civilization."

You can also watch and download the video of this meeting here.

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