Corona Phenomenon and Political & Philosophical Questions

28 July 2020 | 13:34 Code : 19625 Events

Dear Scholars,

The “Corona Phenomenon" has forcefully revealed the need for sharing reflections in confronting pervasive phenomena and crises more than ever. It seems that the time has come for the international academic society to contemplate the dimensions and complexities of such crises in a more synergistic way and be more prepared to deal with similar events in the future. This requires much more attention and effort on the side of the academics and scholars to, not only attempt to answer the existing questions, but also partake in the practice of formulating new and more adequate questions in the face of our common global problems. So, as a first and small step, I have embarked upon such a practice and formulated 60 philosophical and political questions with regard to the Covid-19 crisis. Now we would like to invite our colleagues to join us and, based on their specialty and interests, engage with one or more of the questions as they see fit. The received answers will be collected in a book.Interested scholars are requested to contact us to receive the specific invitation- according to their field of studies.

With best regards,

Prof. Pegah Mosleh

M.D & Ph.D in Political Philosophy
Member of APT
Member of ECPR: SG on Political Theory- SG on Political Concepts
Faculty Member of Academic-Research Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

List of universities of participating scholars:

University of Münster- Germany
University of Toronto- Canada
University of Milan- Italy
University of Delhi- India
University of Dallas- USA
University of Jaume I-Spain
University of Alberta- Canada
University of Windsor- Canada
University of Montreal- Canada
University of WaterloO- Canada
University of Tübingen- Germany
University of California, Riverside- USA
LSE (London School of Economics)- England
Kwantlen Polytechnic University- Canada
Radboud University- Netherlands
Heidelberg University- Germany
Penn State University- USA
McGill University- Canada
Wuhan University- China
York University- Canada 
Cardiff University- Wales
Queen's University- Canada
Tampere University- Finland
Northeastern University- USA
Jagiellonian University- Poland
Leiden University- Netherlands
Houston Community College- USA
Central European University- Austria
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki- Greece


Deadline: by the end of September.

tags: ihcs corona reseach center Corona Phenomenon

Your Comment :

Tahereh Javidi. K. J. 09 September 2020 | 20:43
Hi there, I would like to accept the invitation, could please send me the questions. Regards Tahereh
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