Masoomeh Taghizadegan

تعداد بازدید:۱۵۲۴



Professional Affiliation


Assistant professor, Faculty of cultural studies and communications, Institute for humanities and cultural studies.

Post Code: 1437774681.


Member of Iranian Society of Cultural Studies and Communication.



Academic Background


PHD 2017

Social communication, Department of Communication, Faculty of Social, Science, University of Tehran.

Thesis: Media convergence in Art: Study of interaction and participation in Iran's Digital Media Art.

Under supervision: Dr. Azam Ravadrad, Advisor: Dr. M. Kousari and Dr. SR. Ameli


M. A. 2008

Social communication (Cultural Studies and Media) Department of Communication, Faculty of Social Science, University of Tehran.

Thesis: Power Struggles and Historical Formation of Cinema’s Field in Iran. Under supervision: Dr. Hamid Abdollahyan, Advisor: Dr. Azam Ravadrad


B. A. 2002

Social communication (Journalism) Department of Communication, Faculty of Social Science, University of Tehran


Executive Activities

Managing Editor of Sociological Journal of Art and Literature (published by university of Tehran) .


Head of Scientific Committee, Art and Digital Media Conference, Iranian Academy of the Arts, 18 February 2019.


Authored Book


Policy making in Iranian Cinema (2013)

Published by Hozeh Honari, Mashhad, Iran, ISBN: 978-600-5957-73-0


Art work: structure analysis of art (2010)

Published by Behnashr, Tehran, Iran, ISBN: 978-964-02-1342-1


A Chapter of a Book: Town Fantasies: The Sociological study of Tehran Urban sculptures (2014) in book: City , Media and Everyday Life, Masoud Kousari (editor), Published by Te esa, Tehran, Iran, ISBN: 978-600-7212-65-3.



Translated Book


A Chapter of a Book: Economy of Art (2013)

Published by Badakhshan, Mashhad, Iran, ISBN: 978-600-6966-03-8


A Chapter of a Book: Internet (2011)

Saeid Reza Ameli (editor), Published by Amirkabir, Tehran, Iran, ISBN: 978-964-00-1379-3



Article in Scholarly Journal


Cultural Patterns of Shiite-Sunni Integration in Southern Iran, Journal of Iranian Cultural Research, vol. 11, No. 3, autumn 2018, pp: 161-185.


Digital Art and Crowd Creation in Iran (Case Study: Tehran Annual Digital Art Exhibition), Journal of Cyberspace Studies, vol. 2, No. 2, summer and autumn 2018, pp: 187-204.


New Media Art, Sociological Journal of Art and Literature, vol. 7, No. 2, autumn and winter 2016, pp: 183-167.


sepideh or Eli: A Critical Reading on ‘About Eli’ Film, Journal of Cultural Studies and Communication, vol. 9, No. 31, summer 2013, pp: 157-173.

Local -Global Discourse In The Islamic Art: Discourse Analyses Of Art In The Geopolitics Of The Islamic World , Journal of National Studies , vol. 14, No. 2, summer 2013, pp: 73-98.


Discourse Analysis of The National Art in Iran, Journal of Cultural Studies and Communication, vol.8, No. 29, winter 2013, pp: 139-160.


An Analysis of the Processes of Movie Production in Iran; Struggles among Power Source in Production Field of Iranian Cinema during the 1980’s and the 1990’s, Journal of Cultural Studies and Communication, vol. 7, No. 25, winter 2011, pp: 203-231.


Sociological Analysis of Masoud Kimiai’s Films, Sociological Journal of Art and Literature, Tehran University, vol.2, No. 1,2010, pp:197-224.


Analysing Women’s Representation In Contemporary Iranian Painting

Journal of Women in Development and Politics, vol.8, No.1, spring 2010, pp: 125-142.


Painting Market in Iran: Distribution and sale painting in Iran, Sociological Journal of Art and Literature, Tehran University, vol.1, No.2, 2009, pp:131-170.


Women’s Painting and Feminine Painting: Comparing the Use of Visual Techniques and Artistic Styles among Men and Women's Painting in Iran, Journal of Women in Development and Politics, Tehran University, vol.2, No.3, spring 2009, pp: 103-122.


A sociological study of the structural elements of the art system

Journal of Social science, Ferdowsi University, vol.2, No. 4,2006, pp: 133 - ۱۵۹.


Identity Crisis Among High Scholl Students : A Case Study In LAR , Journal of National studies, vol.8, No. 2, 2007, pp: 145-168.


Social Planning and Policy making of Economic development in Cultural Section, Journal of Sociological Studies of Iran, Islamic Azad University, vol.1, No. 2,2011, PP: 109-131.




Humanity of Man: review on Morin Edgar, Social Science Monthly Review, Vol. 13, No. 16, 2009, pp: 90-97.


Economical Sociology of Iranian Painting, Binab (the Cultural and Artistic Biomonthly), No. 13, 2008, pp: 178- 191.


Studying Economy of Painting, Ayene-ye Khial, Academy of Art, No. 12, 2009, pp: 16-19.


Women’s Entry to the Stadium: From a Group Request to a Public Demand. Public Policy Studies Network, ISSN: 2423-5385, 3 March 2018.


‘Pashaee’ Phenomenon: Display the Lifestyle in a Funeral, Public Policy Studies Network, ISSN: 2423-5385, 14 November 2015.


Problems and Challenges of the National Library, Public Policy Studies Network, ISSN: 2423-5385, 21 February 2018.


Audience's Perception, Tak (Hoze Honari Monthly Magazine), No. 42, 2008, pp: 24-27.


Blog: Blog Iranians Interactions, Rahavard Noor, 2006.









Conference Paper


Typology of modern islamic art, 7 th conference of the European Research Network Sociology of Art: Artistic Practices, University of Vienna, Ostrich, 5-8 September 2012.


The effect of digital technology on independent cinema in iran: production, distribution and consumption, ESA 10 th conference: social relations in turbulent times, University of Geneva, Switzerland , 7-10 September 2011.


Power struggles and historical genesis of cinema’s production field in iran,ESA 10 th conference: social relations in turbulent times, University of Geneva, Switzerland , 7-10 September 2011.


Passage from Islamic art to the Middle East art, European Sociological Association10th Conference : social relations in turbulent times, university of Geneva, Switzerland , 7-10 September 2011.


The Sociological Study of Woman Portrait in Contemporary Irainian Painting, 3th ESA sociology of Cultural RN Midterm Conference: Culture and the Making of Worlds, University of Bocconi, Milan, Italy, 7-9 October 2010.

Electronic Publishing in Social Science Research Network (SSRN);

(I received an email in date that this article became top ten)


Comparing the Use of Visual Techniques and Artistic Styles among Men and Women’s Painting in Iran, International Conference on Arts, Social Science & Technology (ICAST), University Teknologi Mara ( UiTM) Kedah , Penang, Malaysia, 24-25 February 2010.


Persian Gulf from the artist’s narrative: Representation of cultures, beliefs and social life at the south of Iran in the works of the contemporary artist , International Conference of the Persian Gulf (History, Civilization and Culture), University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 29 April- 1 May 2010.


From Proportional Geometry to Random Geometry: Aesthetics of Software Art, Software Art Conference , Iranian Academy of the Arts, October 2013.


Historical Genesis of New Media Art, Software Art Conference , Iranian Academy of the Arts, October 2013.


Seeing Music: Picture and Music Experience, Image in Digital Space Conference , Iranian Academy of the Arts, February 2013.


Interactive Level of Image in Digital Media, Image in Digital Space Conference , Iranian Academy of the Arts, February 2013.


Iranian Cinema and Policy making Approaches, 3th Conference of Sociology of Art, Iranian Artist Home, February 2015.


Journalism and Social Responsibility , Fourth Seminar on Iranian Press Issues: Challenges and Prospects, Bureau of Media Studies and Planning, 9-10 May 2012.


An Analysis of the Economic Situation of Cinema in Iran, Economy of Art Conference, Iranian Academy of the Arts and Department of Cultural and Islamic Guidance, Fars Province , ۲۰۱۴.


Internet Art As Interactive Art: Audience in Interactive Model of Internet Art, 2th Conference of Sociology of Art Issue in Iran, Iranian Society of Cultural Studies and Communication & Iranian Artist Home, 12 May 2012.


Affective Factors on the Price of Paintings in Tehran Galleries, First Congress of Sociology of Art and Literature , Iranian Society of Cultural Studies and Communication, 14 January 2010.


Methodology, method and Technique in Economic Study of Art, first Conference on Art Research: Research in Art and Architecture, Tabriz, Iran, 14 December 2009.


Dispute Between Heidari and Nemati in the Old City of Lar, International Conference on Linguistics and Anthropology of Larestan , Larestan , Iran, 13-15 march 2009.


Globalization and personal identity, Conference on communication and development, Islamic Azad university, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, Iran, 29 April 2007.











Research Experience


Iran National Science Foundation

Co-Researcher: Cultural discourses and artistic movements in contemporary Iran: The Sociological study of Iranian painting (2013 - ۲۰۱۶)


The Center for Strategic Studies (css)

Researcher: Music Policy Document in Iran (2016)



Presidential Administration of Islamic Republic of Iran

Member of the Social and Media Committee: National Report on the Plasco Building (2017)


Department of Cultural and Islamic Guidance, Fars Province

Researcher: Cultural Patterns of Shiite-Sunni Integration in Southern Iran: The Study of Sunni and Shiite Intercultural Sensitivity in South Fars Province (Larestan) and West Hormozgan Province (Bastak). (2016-2017)


Research center for Culture, Art and Communication

Researcher: Public Education of art in Iran (2011-2012)


University of Tehran

Co-Researcher: The Sociological study of women artist in Iran (2008- 2009)


Hozeh Honari

Researcher: Sociological Analysis of Film's Production in Iran after Islamic Revolution (2008- 2009)

Researcher: Sociology of Art in Iran (2004- 2006)


Islamic Azad University, Bandar Abbas Branch

Researcher: Sociological Analysis of Art Discourse in Iran (2010- 2011)

Researcher: Sociological Analysis of Art Market in Iran (2007- 2009)

Co-Researcher: Representation of women in contemporary Iranian painting (2008- 2009)







Teaching Experience


Sociology of Art , Visual culture, theory of Communication , Theory of Culture, Theory of Cultural Studies, Sociology of Cinema, Journalism Studies, Media and Semiology, Cultural Policy in:


Islamic Azad University, Member of faculty, Department of social communication (2007-2011)


University of Tehran, Teaching Assistant in Department of Social Communication (2010-2018)


Sore university, Faculty of Social Communication (2010-2012)


Payame Noor University- Western Tehran Branch (PNU) , Faculty of Social Communication (2005-2007)


University of Applied Science and Technology , Tehran Branch, sociology Department (2013)


University of Applied Science and Technology , Lar Branch, Sociology Department (2008- 2009)


University of Applied Science and Technology, Bandar Abbas Branch, Communication Department (2008- 2009)


Awards and Honors


2013 Policy making in Iranian Cinema” Book has been Chosen as the First Book in University Student Book National Festival,


2012 Appreciated in Research Festival, Tehran University.


2011 Appreciated in Research Festival, Tehran University.


2010 “Art work” Book has been Chosen as the First Book of Year.


2006 Awards First for Research in Sociology of Religious Art in 2th Ruyesh International Film Festival ( Religious Short Film ).






An Introduction to MAXQDA (Qualitative Data Analysis Software) (2017) Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.


Art History (2012) Shen Gallery, Tehran, Iran.


Photojournalism (2011) Center for Research and Training Institute Hamshahri, Tehran, Iran.


Multi Media Journalism (2011) Center for Research and Training Institute Hamshahri, Tehran, Iran.








آخرین ویرایش۰۸ خرداد ۱۳۹۸