دکتر سیدبیوک محمدی انگلیسی

تعداد بازدید:۱۰۰۲

 مقالات در پرتال جامع

پروفایل در شبکه‌های علمی

    فایل سخنرانی‌ها    




Personal Information

Full Name :                              Mr. S. Buik Mohammadi 

Date and Place of Birth :            1946, Tabriz, Iran

Telephone :                              O: (xx98-21) 88046891-3 

                                                H: (xx98-21) 22746973

Cell Phone:                                 xx 0912-4902342

Fax :                                        (xx98-21)88036317 

E-mail:                                     buik@ihcs.ac.ir 

Address: P. O. Box: 14155-6419, Tehran, Iran


Educational Background

BS, Sociology and Psychology, Eastern Kentucky University, 1974.

MA, Sociology, Eastern Kentucky University, 1975.

Ph.D. Sociology, University of Kentucky, 1982.


Areas of Interest

Culture, Development, Social Change, Social Problems, Industrial Sociology, Political Sociology.


Positions Held

- Assistant professor, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies 1982-1995

- Associate professor, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies 1995-     present

- Head of the social problem and cultural studies section of the Social Science          Department, the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies 1994-present 

- A member of Faculty Committee of the Social Sciences Department, the    Institute            for Humanities and Cultural Studies, 1994-present 


Knowledge of Languages

Farsi and English (excellent in reading, writing and speaking)

French (reading knowledge only)


Teaching Experiences

Introduction to Sociology, University of Kentucky, 7 terms (1978-1892)

Social Problems, University of Kentucky, 4 terms (1980-1982)

Sociology of Knowledge, University of Tehran and Tarbiat Modarres, one term in   each, 1364-65 (1985), 1364(1984).

Political Sociology, Allameh Tabatabai University, one term 1365-66 (1986).

Social Problems, Allameh Tabatabai University, 5 terms 1372-75 (1992-2005).

Deviance, Allameh Tabatabai Universsity, 1 term (2006)

Industrial Sociology, Allameh Tabatabai University, one term 1375 (1995). and       Alborz Iinstitute 1 term.

Social-Psychology, Alborz Institute 2terms (2007)

English Language (general and social science ESP) 6 terms, 1367-68 (1988),           1372-1375 (1992-1995).

Introduction to Sociology, E.C.O. College of Insurance,15  terms, 1377-79 (1998-   2007).

Introduction to Psychology. Alborz Educational Institute 2 term, 1387 (2008).         



Publications (Books)

A. Translation into Farsi:

1. Cultural Experience; Ethnography in Complex Societies, by James    P. Spradly        and David W. McCurdy. published by Cultural Studies       and Research   Institute (Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies),Tehran 1372          (1982).

2. Basics of Qualitative Research, by Anselm Struass and Juliet Corbin,             Publisherd by Institute for Humanities and Cultural  Studies, Tehran 2006. 

B. Authorship:

1. Political Sociology. A series of Peyam-e Nour University Texts. published by           University of Peyam-e Nour 1373 (1983).

2.Iranian Management, Reporting from the Actual and Daily Activities of An    Iranian Manager; (Co-author      Housain Mohammadi) Dayereh Publilsher,    Tehran. 1379 (2000).

3. The Life of Iranians in Canada; Ethnography of Iranian Immigrants,             Vazhe-Ara, Tehran 1379 (2001).

4. Domination in the Family. A Study of the Common Cutural Expression of “the     Henpeched” Vajeara, Tehran, 2011.

5.Successful Iranian Management, Fararvan, Tehran, 2012.


C. Forthcoming (Translated into Farsi)

1. Church Under Seige, by H.M. Smith, London, Intervarsity Press 974.


Articles (Samples of Published Ones)

- "Poetry as a Symbol of Iranian National Identity" Adineh, no. 29, 1368 (1988) PP.            14-17.

- "Sociology of Social Movements", Nameh Olume Ejtemai, no. 2 Spring 1368 (1988)       PP. 171-189.

- "Status Inconsistency Among Educated Iranians", Adineh, no. 35, 1368 (1988) PP.           14-15.

- "Feeling of Being Opressed", Adineh, no. 47, 1369 (1989) PP. 14-17.

- "Social Values in Crisis", Donyayeh Sokhan, no. 35, 1369 (1989), PP. 70-72.

- "Cultural Patterns", Farhang, Book no. 9 Summer 1370 (1990) PP. 159-   181.

- "Ethnomethodology", Elome Ejtemai Quarterly, 1sth Period (Winter, 1371 and     Spring 1372 (1992)    PP.269-277.  

- "Modernization and Social Movements in Iran", Farhang, Book no. 15, Fall 1372            (1992) PP. 196-229.

- "Development and Alienation", Jame Salem, no. 13, 1372 (1992) PP. 41-43.

- "Development and Social Problems", Jame Salem, no. 15, 1373 (1993), PP. 26-31.

- "Useless Complaints: A Study of a Common Iranian Cultural Pattern", Jame Salem,         no 18, 1373 (1994) PP.30-32.  

- "Silent Cultural Pattern" Name Olume Ejtemai, no. 7, Winter 1373 (1993) PP. 303-          312.

- "Familism in Iran", Farhang Tuse-e, no. 21, 1374 (1995) PP. 34-35.

- "Zirangi (Willyness); Ethnosemontics of a Key Term" Jame Salem, no. 29, 1375 (1996) PP. 80-83.

- "The Role of Value Judjment in Cultural Studies", Nameh Farhang, no. 26, Summer        1376 (1996) PP. 95-96.

- "Cultural Factors Influencing Development", Farhang, no. 22 & 23,1376 (1996) PP.        23-48.

- "Development on the Condition of Preserving Cultural Elements?" Nameh Farhang,        no. 31, 1378 (1999) PP.166-173.  


Articles Translated into Farsi:

- "Social Problems" by Stanly Eitzen, Farhang Book no. 1&2 1367, (1988) PP. 411-          425.

- "Cultural Lag", William F. Ogburn, Keyhane Farhangi, no. a, 1369 (1989) PP. 35-          37.

- "Cultural Relativity" Peter Murdock, Farhang, Book no. 12, 1371 (1991) PP. 173-           182.

- "Youth in Family" Benjamin Spock, Shabab, no. 17&18, 13 (14) PP. 18-21.

- "State and Social Transformation" Immanuel Wallerstein, Nameh Farhang, no. 3,             1376 (1996) PP. 104-109.


An Article Which is Published in a Book (an anthology)

"American Capitalism and Agricultural Development" in Science and          Agriculture, ed. by L. Busch, N.Y.Allanheld and Osman, 1980, PP. 9-24.







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