Report of 7th day


Lecture on "Theology of Qur'anic Studies" at the Faculty of Encyclopedia Studies

On Tuesday, 8th October, morning and afternoon guests went to the Faculty of Encyclopedia Studies. The lecturer was Dr. Ahmad Pakakti, the head of the faculty and author of the book "Translating the Holy Quran", on topics such as translation of the Qur'an from the perspective of translation, with a look at its various theories, the possibility of localizing the Qur'an Considering the religious contexts of Quran translation, he presented comparative approaches to translation of the Quran and other sacred texts and finally answered their questions.


After the Faculty of Encyclopedia Studies, Russian guests traveled to the Caucasus Studies Institute, which is affiliated of the University of Tehran, and met some faculty members of Tehran University and Allameh Tabataba’i, as well as representatives of the Islamic Culture and Communications Organization. The theme of the meeting was "The Component of Islam in Iran-Russia Cooperation and Collaboration".


Last Update At : 03 November 2019