

International Office for Scientific Collaborations



The International Office for Scientific Collaborations has been established in 2009 as one of the subsectors of the headship at the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies to promote the institute's interests abroad through collaborations with foreign universities and research centers abroad in various fields of the Humanities.

Since 2018, Dr. Sh. Hosseini is the director of the office. The former directors of the office are

Dr. S. J. Miri (2009-2016) and Dr. A. Afrashi (2016-2018).



The major activities of the office on the agenda are:

• Introducing the faculty members of the institute by reflecting their activities at the international level.

• Providing opportunities for scientific collaboration between the faculty members of the institute and the research centers and universities in abroad.

• Contracting memorandum of understandings for the cooperation between the institute and the research centers and universities in abroad.

• Making the arrangements to invite experts and researchers either foreigners or Iranians residing abroad.

• Collaborating with research centers to host international conferences and meetings.

• Cooperation with the sectors to run international virtual courses or video conferences.

• Corresponding and communicating with cultural and scientific delegacies of other countries in Iran.

• Proving the information for the English pages of the institute's website to reflect the activities to abroad.


Last Update At : 25 October 2019