About Us


Faculty of Political Studies, International Relationships and Law was first established with the title of the Group of Political Researches in Islam with the chairmanship of Dr. Reza Davari Ardakani in 1997. Simultaneously with the license of the Ministry of Science, the doctoral course "Political Thought" was also launched by this group and under his administration. In continuation of the research and educational activities of the group and according to IHCS development policies, the upgrade of this group to the level of faculty was agreed and the faculty of Political Science was formed by three groups (Political Thought Group, Political Sociology and Iranian Issues Group and International Relations Group). With the structural change that took place in the IHCS, the titles of the aforementioned three groups were changed to the groups of theoretical studies of politics, applied studies of politics and studies of international relations, and the faculty also started its activity under the title of political theorizing and international relations. After the announcement of the new structure of the IHCS on the 2nd September 2020, a new round of the faculty's activity started under the title of political studies, international relations and law with the following four groups.

  1. The research group of political theorizing in Iran:
  2. Applied Policy Studies Research Group
  3. Regional Studies Research Group
  4. Legal Studies Research Group
Last Update At : 10 December 2023