About Us



Islamic Political Thought Group was launched in 1995. Over many years, this group has published articles and books in the field of political thought by holding scientific meetings and after expanding its activities and attracting human resources, it was able to be structurally upgraded to a faculty of political science. With the expansion of the activities of this faculty, the field of political science was also established in this faculty and students were accepted and started studying at the doctoral level. This faculty has accepted 12 courses of doctoral students so far.


- The researching in the field of political thought of Islamic thinkers and political currents

- The researching on the history of social -political transformation and determining its relationship with the Islamic Revolution

- The researching on the political philosophy of the Islamic Revolution

- The researching in the field of history of the thought in contemporary Iran and philosophy of history (emphasis on identity, recolonization)


Scientific, research and educational activities

- 32 completed research projects and 10 implementing projects

- The printing of 60 book titles

- The publication of 103 titles of scientific research articles

- The presenting research projects in the field of history of political developments, political philosophy, Islamic civilization, contemporary political thinkers and currents, topics related to the history and thought of the Islamic Revolution and human rights.

- The printing journal in the field of the politics and political thought entitled " jostarhaye siasiye moaser (contemporary political studies).

Last Update At : 19 December 2023