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Faculty of philosophy

To demonstrate the significance of philosophical thinking for human society, extensive introduction is not necessarily required. Merely examining the trajectory of philosophy in the Islamic world and the Western world suffices to reveal that whenever philosophy and philosophical thinking have held importance for decision-makers and policymakers, society has witnessed progress and prosperity. Conversely, the decline of philosophy has correspondingly resulted in diminished manifestations of human culture.

The expectation from philosophical thinking in society is to foster cultural excellence and the cultivation of future generations, imbuing the populace with a heightened level of erudition. It is important to recognize that philosophy, not solely but as a constituent of the humanities carries this burden. Philosophy as the living and thriving root of culture, infuses vitality into the myriad branches of the human sciences. When philosophy, in its broader sense, garners attention from cultural policymakers, it engenders hope that the human sciences, amid the tumultuous and hurried world of today, will serve as a secure anchorage, while ethics assumes a paramount position.

Undoubtedly, amidst these circumstances, we must embark on a profound exploration of our own historical legacy, striving to revitalize and propagate it using contemporary and modern language. Concurrently, when engaging with the intellectual heritage of the Western world, our approach should not be one of mere emulation and compliance but an active and interactive exchange. Within this context, our own culture and civilization perpetually hold primacy, and it is through an appreciation of the developments within the modern Western philosophical discourse that we endeavor to consolidate and fortify the foundations of our own culture and civilization.



The Faculty of Philosophy started its activity under the title of the Department of Western Studies around 1997 under the management of Dr. Hossein Kalbasi and the cooperation of Dr. Karim Mojtahdi. In 2011, it was transformed from the Department of Western Studies into a Faculty of Western Studies with several research groups and then it changes to faculties of "Contemporary Wisdom" with five groups "Islamic Wisdom", "Theology and Philosophy of Religion", "Studies of Mysticism", "Philosophy for Children" and "Quranic Studies" was established. Since its establishment, the doctorate course "Transcendental Wisdom" and the doctorate and master's course "Philosophy of Religion" were launched. In the later stages, the "Philosophy for Children" group was transferred to the "Ethics, Education and Training" faculty, and the "Qur'anic Studies" group also became independent.

In 2020 a new structure was defined for IHCS, in which the "Faculty of Contemporary Wisdom" was merged with the "Faculty of Western Studies" and the formation of a new faculty entitled "Philosophical Studies and History of Science" with five groups was approved. Due to the disparity of the academic groups of this faculty and upon the request of the members of the academic board of the five groups, in 2022 this faculty was legally established in the form of two new faculties named "Faculty of Philosophy" and "Faculty of History and Philosophy of Science" and was placed in the structure of the research institute.

The Faculty of Philosophy is currently operating with three groups: "Philosophy of Religion", "Islamic Philosophy and Contemporary Wisdom" and "Western Philosophy". The doctoral courses of "Philosophy of Religion" and "Transcendental Wisdom" are also open, and the journal "Hekmat Moaser" (contemporary wisdom) which was published since the beginning of the establishment of the "Contemporary Wisdom" faculty, belongs to this faculty and has been upgraded to "A" rank in the new evaluation. So far, this faculty has had several dozen graduates in the doctoral degree of "Transcendental Wisdom", "Philosophy of Religion" and master's degree in "Philosophy of Religion".

During a period of more than ten years, the faculty has had numerous and diverse outputs, which include: numerous research projects, authoring books and articles, holding conferences and participating in conferences, holding academic lectures and meetings, holding academic chairs, holding numerous doctoral courses, cooperation in academic and executive activities of the research institute and participation in various councils and committees of the research institute...


The mission of the faculty

The dealing with influential philosophical currents in the Islamic world and the Western world in various historical periods with a focus on contemporary Iran.



 - The dealing with the main currents of philosophical, theological and mystical thought in the Islamic world

- The dealing with the main currents of philosophical thought in the Western world

- The dealing with the philosophy of religion in its various branches and trends

- The dealing with comparative studies between Western philosophy and Islamic philosophy

- The dealing with the philosophical foundations of Western civilization

- The dealing with the philosophical foundations of humanities

- The pathology of the state of contemporary philosophical thought in Iran

- The paying attention to influential philosophical characters in the last one hundred years in Iran

- The considering the Persian language as the national language of Iranians in philosophy

- The dealing with the main texts of Islamic philosophy and Western philosophy

Last Update At : 28 November 2023