About Us



The management research group was established in 2013 as one of the three research groups of the faculty of Comparative Economics and Management Studies, and in 2018, it began to recruit academic members in the field of management. In 2020, with the approval of the new organizational structure of the research institute by the Higher Education Development Council, the "Management Research Group" was defined as an independent group. Establishing and approving the independent management research group was in order to achieve the two strategic goals of IHCS, i.e. " making applicable in accordance with the identity and theoretical basis of various research fields" and "developing communication with the society and influencing policies and macro plans", with the vision of becoming a faculty with related research groups.


Long-term goals of the research group (within 5 years):

1. The laying the foundation for the determining research policies and macro strategies

2. The developing of scientific and research activities in the line with the continuous improvement of the management group in accordance with the upstream documents

3. The providing study and research needs and developing and deepening research at the national and local level

4. The organizing and systematizing various research activities of management group members

5. The creating a suitable context for the development of research in the fields related to the needs of society and industry

6 The orienting the fundamental research capacities of management and development of applied researches

7. The reviewing, researching and introducing the capabilities of the management group to achieve a structure in the form of a faculty

Short-term goals of the research group (within 2 years):

Research in the fields of:

1. Futurology; surveillance and monitoring of the circumstance; scenarios and Science and technology trends

2. Historical-critical approaches to the institution of management and ethics in Iran

3. Management and development of human capital capacities of organizations

4. Critical views on the approaches of analysis, compiling and implementation of the strategy


The main activities of the management research group:

• The carrying out mandatory research projects and employer projects in relation to society and industry

• The writing and translating scientific works

• The compiling of scientific research articles in periodicals and series of journals and conferences

• The holding conferences, meetings, lectures and educational worksh

Last Update At : 13 December 2023