Call for Papers


Call for Papers

International Conference on Literature and Intercultural Thinking

8-9 Dec 2021

One of the missions of the Humanities is to recall and reconsider the cultural and intellectual legacy of nations in order to discover their capacities of addressing the contemporary issues of modern world. During the last three decades, Intercultural Philosophy as a philosophical approach has provided a unique way to engage with intellectual, literary, religious and artistic heritage of nations and civilization and to locate the contemporary world issues in them. This kind of philosophizing has opened a new horizon to thinkers of different cultures to involve deeply with those concepts of dialogue, communication, coexistence, pluralism and difference. In order to thematize the relation of the constitutive elements of every culture with other cultures and the contemporary world.

Throughout history, Persian literature has been known as the most profound representation of Persian world-view and ethos and still is the reflection of the contemporary Iranian culture. Reflecting on the relationship between "Literature and Intercultural Thinking" is the first step in the extensive study of the relationship between constitutive elements of literature specially, Persian literature, and that of intercultural thinking. In this vain, the relationship between different literary genres with intercultural orientations and the chief concepts of intercultural thinking can be examined. This is to discussing the role of Persian language and literature in intercultural engagement and recalling the historical experience of dialogue and intercultural exchange in the field of Persian language and literature. This is to discuss the role of Persian language and literature as the mediator for the interculture encounters, in a manner that enabled the historical dialogue and inter/cross-cultural exchanges.

The Iranian Society of Intercultural Philosophy kindly invites University faculty members, postgraduate students and researchers in the field of Persian language and literature, philosophy and other related areas of Humanities to present their research and actively contribute to the development of this interdisciplinary space of dialogue. The conference will be hold in both Farsi (Persian) and English languages.


  •  Iranian Society of Intercultural Philosophy (ISIP)
  • Iran Academy of Literary Criticism (IALC)
  • Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies (IHCS)
  • Allameh Tabataba'i University (ATU)
  • Tarbiat Modares University (TMU)
  • University of Tehran (UT)
  • Research Center of Interdisciplinary Studies in Language and Literature (RCISLL)
  • Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)
  • University of Dhaka 

And Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC)

Contributions are invited for the following streams:

  • Relationships between Intercultural Thinking and Literary Genres 
  • Intercultural Thinking and Mystical Literature
  • Intercultural Thinking and Epic Literature 
  • Intercultural Thinking and Lyrical Literature and Poetry 
  • Intercultural Thinking and Folk/Folklore Literature and Fable
  • Intercultural Thinking and Educational Literature 
  • Intercultural Thinking and Fiction and Narrative


  • Relationships between Intercultural Thinking and Literary Theory and Criticism
  • Intercultural Philosophy and Phenomenology 
  • Intercultural Philosophy and Philosophical Hermeneutics 
  • Intercultural Philosophy and Comparative studies 
  • Intercultural Philosophy and Post-structuralism
  • Intercultural Philosophy and Feminism 
  • Intercultural Philosophy and Postcolonial studies 
  • Intercultural Philosophy and Ethnic/Racial studies 
  • Intercultural Philosophy and Intertextuality


  • Role of Persian Language and Literature in Intercultural Understanding 
  • Intercultural Thinking in Regional Persian language and literature 
  • Intercultural Thinking and intellectual and literary heritage of Iran; Khosravani Hikmah, and Ishraqi Hikmah (The School of Illumination)
  • The common aspects of oriental literature and intercultural thinking
  • Intercultural philosophy and the linguistic structures of Persian language and literature 
  • Intercultural philosophy and linguistics 
  • Intercultural philosophy and translation 
  • Intercultural philosophy and Manuscriptology 


  • Concepts of Intercultural Thinking in Persian Literature 
  • Monophonic and polyphonic
  • The ‘in-between’ world
  • Absolutism and Anti-absolutism
  • Identity and self-understanding (collective self and individual self) 
  • Encountering the Other and the stranger (Convergence, Divergence)
  • Egoism and identity thinking
  • Monism and pluralism
  • Centralism, fundamentalism, essentialism
  • Cultural thinking
  • Authenticity and distinction
  • Tolerance, coexistence


  • The historical experience of dialogue and intercultural exchange in the field of Persian language and literature

  • Challenges of Comparative Studies in Philosophy and Literature 
  • Critical Evaluation of Comparative Studies of Philosophy and Literature

Important Dates:

  • Full Paper Submission Deadline: October 20, 2021
  • Notification of Full Paper Acceptance/Rejection: November 10, 2021
  • Conference dates: December 8-9, 2021

Submission guidelines:


Abstract writing guidelines:

  • Short abstract in English/Farsi
  • 150 to 250 words
  • Including 3 to 5 keywords
  • In doc or docx format, Times New Roman font No.12., Line spacing 1.5
  • Short bio of the contributor/s

Full paper writing guidelines:

  • Full paper must include abstract, introduction, theoretical foundations, research method, findings and analysis and conclusion (application of these titles is not required).
  • 3000-8000 words

Review and Publication process:

Following the double blind review process, the accepted papers will be published in the special issue of ‘Literature and Intercultural Thinking’, by the Iranian Society of Intercultural Philosophy (ISIP) and the authors will be invited to present their paper. 

Contact us:

Website address:

E-mail address:

Whatsapp Number: +989022135358

Office Address: IHCS, 64th St, Kordestan Expy, Tehran, Iran

File Download Link

tags: conference Literature Intercultural Philosophy

Last Update At : 11 September 2021