About Us



Regarding the necessity for development of different aspects of the studies in the IHCS in humanities and social sciences and their practical bases, ‘‘Faculty of Comparative Studies of Economics’’ was established in 1997 with 3 research groups. The purpose of this faculty is to make economic research comprehensive and to utilize and train researchers and scientists so they can enlarge the horizon of the economic studies and investigate the effect of the domestic culture and civilization on the formation and development of economic life in addition to theoretical and empirical studies in various branches of economics by qualitative and quantitative methods.

In 2008, a Master’s course in the field of ‘‘Economic Sciences’’ and in the following years in the field of ‘‘Economic Development and Planning’’ were initiated in the faculty aimed at using the existing scientific and human capital in order to train student researchers. Every year, a limited number of students are accepted and graduated through an entrance exam.

In 2013, by addition of 3 research groups in the field of the management, the name of the faculty was changed into the ‘‘Faculty of Comparative Studies of Economics and Management’’. In 2020, for further consistency of the research groups with the science of economics and the needs of the society and concurrent with structural changes in IHCS, the new structure of this faculty was ratified by the Ministry of Science Research and Technology. Now this faculty which is called the ‘‘Faculty of Economics’’ consists of the following 3 research groups:

  • Monetary Economics and Macro Economics
  • Micro Economics and Public Sector
  • Interdisciplinary Studies and Economic Development



  • The making economic researches comprehensive
  • The utilizing and training active researchers in different branches of the Economics
  • The evaluating the effects of civilization and culture on the development and evolution of economic life.


Scientific, Research and Educational Activities

  • The conducting research projects (about 40 projects)
  • The publishing books (about 30 books)
  • The publishing articles (over 200 articles)
  • The holding conferences, lectures, sessions and research workshops
  • The holding Master’s courses of ‘‘Economic Sciences’’ and ‘‘Economic Development and Planning’’.
  • The publishing 2 scientific research journals, ‘‘Study of the issues of Iran’s Economy’’ and ‘‘Economy and Modern Business’’.

Last Update At : 03 December 2023